Puddling Butterflies
Can you name these three species of butterflies? - Click on picture to enlarge |
WOLF Spider Dream Catcher - Click to enlarge |
These gatherings are predominately male as they collect sodium and amino acids which they then transfer to the female during mating which provides nutrition to her eggs.
Now here is the Butterfly Contest:
See if you can identify the three species of butterflies in the picture above. You can start by clicking on this MDC Field Guide link. Hint: Be sure to look at the underside of the wings in the field guide.
"Make sure to turn in your answers on WOLF Classroom." We will have a drawing of all the WOLFs who correctly identified all three butterflies. The winner will get the WOLF Spider Dream Catcher above.
Here is a link that shows you how to make a butterfly puddle garden in your yard.
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